A morning of lounging around, then a big lunch in the sunshine. More chat and catching up on local gossip (from back there). The girls were a bit subdued having, it appears, stayed up most of the night. TallGirl's best friend up the road popped over and they played bi-lingual Monopoly (not what I'd choose if I was a bit underslept) while CarbBoy showed off his new best friend to the other little boys hanging around.
Having partly broken Mr Guest, they were easily persuaded to stay for lunch before starting the long drive back to Spain... Yes, Spain... For years we spent our summers just north of the Spanish border and we always said we would get together down there at some point. Instead they drove for four hours to get here - I'm willing to bet the four hours on the way back felt even longer. Lovely visit. And their effort in getting here was much appreciated.
The exertions of the last week finally caught up with me and I spent the rest of the day dozing and feeling rubbish.
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