Sally Hart

By rosiecatwoman


Not my best Blip, but I wanted to share with you all an image of the pool I swim in several times a week. Being the compliant creature I still am I asked about taking a photo? .NO , the reason : " child protection" . Wheel I believe the sexual exploitation of children is a crime, but can you see a child in this pool?.
Here comes a RANT !. Norwich is prone to extreme reactions, ( I'm not beyond that but ) comes I believe from historic geographic isolation , as A N Wilson said : " cut off from the North Sea on 3 sides and the rail service on the 4th. This is the city that in recent years attempted to cut down all the cities fine Horse Chestnut Trees : the reason " a child may get injured conkering ". Anti Semeticsm started in UK here in Norwich, that Arnold Wesker's play 'Blood Libel ' recorded.
(I'm realy firing on all cilinders now )
Lot's of projection in all this inevitably : the isolation has led to a very high incidence of chjild sexual abuse and huge resistance to depth Psychology!! .
Off Soapbox!!

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