I heard an extract being read from this book on the radio yesterday and immediately went to buy a copy. It is a mesmerising account of how the world was changing in 1913, as it says on the cover, the year before the storm.

PS Minutes after posting this rather cerebral blip, I went to get myself a can of lemonade. Reaching into a high cupboard, I dislodged a can of dandelion and burdock which fell into two bottles of Peroni on the work surface. The can exploded showering the room and me in d and b and dislodged the caps on the bottles, allowing Italian Lager to mix with the disgusting pop all over the floor.

I simultaneously laughed and swore.

PPS Further investigation reveals that, in fact, two cans of D&B fell and opened themselves. I thought there was rather a lot of it about.

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