
By Cr055ie

Fossils and the Journey Home!

So today was our last day in Wales.  A last walk on the beach with the dogs and then back to load the car.  One of the large rocks on the beach was studded with fossilised crustaceans, such a shame we hadn't had the daylight to fossil hunt. 

An uneventful journey home until we got back into good old Lincolnshire.  Travelling on the M180 and caught a crosswind as I overtook a lorry - the wind went under the dog crates and lifted them enough to snap a bungie.  Luckily we had fastened them on with more than one but it was enough for if to come off the top, hot the back windows and the side of the car and swing around precariously.  It was quite scary but I was able to safely manouvure into the hard shoulder, tucking the car as far into the offside edge as I could so we could put them back on.  I then had to get back onto the fast moving motorway before I took the next exit off (I didn't want to risk something similar happening again.).  Quite scary but safely executed  according to Hubs - I have to admit to dreaming about it and a catastrophising about how this could have played out so differently.    Our guardian angels were very alert today.

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