Kaybees Bits

By Kaybee

Not What Was Planned

I went out and did an early morning shop.
It took all of 5 minutes.
Then it took 20 minutes to get a receipt due to the machine not working.
I needed the receipt because their scanning system had refused to give my the discount on my big joint of meat and I had to claim that back.

The blind pulls (a dozen) were completed and after returning to the shop to get my refund and a birthday present for a 1 year old they were delivered. I took them round in a wee dish. 
She complained that she had to choose half a dozen but was delighted when I told her 'No' - they were all for her.
There was no way I was allowed to get away with giving them as a gift ... or even the fiver I had suggested though and I was treated to a very nice, crisp note worth much more than was decent. As I was leaving she tried to tell me I had forgotten the dish. She was told  No I Flaming Hadn't........

While making lunch I decided to take some close-up, abstract shots (as well as a couple of fisheye shots) ..... 12 shots in total

My plans for using one of the abstract shots as my Blip went out the window when I saw the DIY going on across the road.
She was Putting up the end cap that had come adrift and also fitting some spike strips to try and stop the birds roosting and getting into the attic space.

This evening SWMBO has had a phone call from one of her cousins to see how she is doing ..... and to give us the great news that she has just got married to her long term partner. He is from Kenya and they went there for the wedding....although they spend nearly half the year there anyway.

That has just made my day.

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