I busy morning sorting out various bits and bobs. I found an issue with my website that meant it didn't display the photos when using firefox. I fixed the problem. Goes to show you need to test websites using different browsers. In the afternoon we went for a walk across the Tempelhofer Feld which is always a delight. I find the VORTAC, a UHF beacon quite fascinating.
I also finished book 13, Digitale Ethik by Sarah Spiekermann. I picked up the book recently when browsing the bookshop thinking it might be useful for my course next year. The book is excellent, probably one of the best books I have read recently. The author reckons we need to focus more on values, how they interact and how we can maximise them to have progress that benefits us all. She suggests we should pay more attention the the ethics of the classical philosophers rather than the philosophers of the modern era. I don't think the book is available in English, but it is well worth looking out for it.
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