
By RadioGirl

Sunday Servings

Well I certainly did my bit helping out at St Luke’s today! This morning saw my debut as one of the two Acolytes at Holy Communion. This role is sometimes known as “server”, and basically entails taking part in the processions holding one of the candles and assisting the priest by administering the wine from the chalice to the communicants after they have taken the bread (wafer). I have done this for the much simpler Thursday communion service for some years, but on Sundays we are required to wear a full length white alb (robe) and be at the altar for the entire service. There is quite a lot to remember. Tips from the Rector included “when in doubt, bow your head”, and “always turn to the right”. Hmmm, very helpful…. I managed to get through it all making just three minor mistakes, which hopefully I shan’t make again.

Back again in the afternoon for the annual All Souls’ Day remembrance service. This is something to which we invite the families whose loved ones’ funerals have been led by one of our clergy during the past year. My own family went last year following Mum’s death and funeral at St Luke’s. The names of the departed are read out, and anyone who wants to can go up to the chancel and light a candle of remembrance. This can be a real comfort to the bereaved. I helped to get things ready for the service, did one of the readings, from the Book of Isaiah, and then helped out with serving the refreshments afterwards. I could not have coped with the deep pain of losing Mum and Dad without my faith and the loving support I have received at St Luke’s, so I feel it is the least I can do to serve my church in return and to show that same care to others.

As we locked up after clearing everything away, I noticed my friend Sheila turning the huge keys in the big original Victorian doors and thought how beautiful they were.

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