Roseberry Topping
Made famous by local photographer Joe Cornish - a kind of pimple on the landscape which I think owes its shape to former mining activity. Not having done this walk before we did so today, but we took the contour route around the sides rather than the direct route to the top beloved of those wearing flip-flops and gold lame sandals ;) Quieter and not quite so telling on the lungs, that is until you get on the final stretch when there's no avoiding the steep climb.
We saw a variety of butterflies while we were out, though I still haven't got round to doing an official count for the `Big Butterfly Count'. A Small Tortoiseshell obligingly sat on the ground while I took her portrait and I managed a zoomed shot of a Speckled Wood (a first for me). There were numerous Ringlets and Meadow Browns dancing about in the sun and also (I think) some small Fritillary's but I didn't manage a clear identification.
We started the day in Guisborough where we left our car for a wash and brush up with someone recommended by the owner of our rental property, while we had a walk round the Priory and then had some lunch. It's back now, sparkling and polished in the yard.
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