A Meandering Life...

By Skeena

Mono Monday 563 :: MM563 :: Power

Today's MM theme is 'something you see every day'. Well I confess I don't see these wind turbines off Redcar every day but Nature's power I do. It wasn't a day to have solar panels but wind was enough to get these turning. So if it's not power from the sun it's often power from the wind. 

I wanted to grab a shot of these turbines coming out of the mist. This would have worked if I had my big camera and was further away as it was very gloomy out and about. Instead I went for a long exposure using the NightCap app on my phone together with a mini tripod resting on the sea wall. I have added a little overlay of some surf to give it detail but left some to be moving like the turbines. 

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