
By NightOwl45

How is it Monday again?

A long but incredibly productive day. I managed a lie in (by my standards) until almost 9am. Rare! I’m a night owl but often a permanently exhausted pigeon like that joke re chronic illnesses on the internet…

Lower chronic pain day, fatigue higher but got myself going early afternoon and I have achieved a lot on my to do list today which feels good.

First hair wash in over four days. Although it always hurts,  it felt good to have clean hair again. Makeup on today. I used to wear makeup daily but fibromyalgia and the rest changed that. It does make me feel better to wear some.

Wearing my preloved Amy Winehouse Foundation dress which I found on Vinted a good few weeks ago, absolute bargain. I do love a bargain and do my best to never pay full price for anything. Preloved clothes are the best. 

After the best part of three days in bed Friday, Saturday and Sunday and needing to use one of my two Fischer walking sticks my Specialist Chronic Pain Physiotherapist fitted me for last year, it was good to have a lower fibro pain day.

Fatigued tonight so have rested and kept cosy. Caught up with my best friends via texts and messages. No Duolingo completed as of yet but that’s next on the list before bed later.

A busy week ahead…hoping I have the spoons. Thanks for all your kind comments, hearts and stars, catching up with journals tonight and tomorrow.

Extras are of the inside and outside of the disabled toilet door - I love such signs. There remains too many people who don’t understand or accept invisible illnesses and the challenges they bring. 

Check your poo too - my Dad, who regular readers of my Blip will know was an abusive man - died of bowel cancer in October 2012. I wouldn’t want anyone to overlook the symptoms or ignore them.

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