Something I see.....
Every day Indie & I go walkabout on Chudleigh Knighton heath, off the lead, she's off following scents, back on the lead as we head back into the village, pulling me, she's 13, she should know better. We have to stop occasionally, under protest I hasten to add, while I pick up litter. Today's consisted of a red bull can, a piece of plastic, & Clear blue pregnancy test cardboard packaging. Think I may have picked up plastic last week relating to this packaging.
Shower day for Mum, she was thrilled. Ha! Ha!
A rapid lap of the heath this morning as Jan was picking me up at 11am to go for coffee in BT. The first time we've had to catch up after her Canadian adventure. 2 hours went super quick.
Back in CK, I made Mum's lunch then headed back to Chudleigh. But of admin this afternoon. I made a face to face appointment for a chat with an Admiral nurse at the Torquay Nationwide building society.
Meatless Monday, so a hearty veggie soup & crusty bread for dinner tonight.
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