A walk in Sherwood Forest
Sherwood is a suburb of Brisbane, in which there is a forest. Now known as Sherwood Arboretum, it was first planted in 1925, and so is coming up for its centenary. A main feature is its avenue of Kauri Pines (Araucaria robusta).
The Brisbane retirement village into which we've recently moved has a weekly walking group, which heads out at 6.30am every Tuesday. We were welcomed this morning as the group explored the Arboretum, followed by breakfast at a local bakery.
Photos in my collage today, clockwise from top left, are:
. Dwarf Kurrajong flower, Brachychitron rupestris
. avenue of Kauri Pine, Agathis robusta (and next photo)
. tortoise or turtle - I'm never sure about this
. Welcome Swallow
. Lacewood flower, Brachychitron discolor
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