Out running my errands in the cooler temperatures of the morning and spotted this sign on one of the utility poles. As I seem to have an unintentional series of these going, I figured it had to be today's blip. I just loved that the finder had drawn a sketch of the glasses!
There was another posting a block away for a "Super Rad Babysitter" that made me laugh, it was a tough call which poster to choose.
Definition of rad, if you need it:
rad |ræd|
adjective informal
excellent; impressive: his style is so rad | a really rad game.
ORIGIN 1980s: probably an abbreviation of radical.
Hadn't seen/heard the use of "rad" for a while, perhaps it's coming back?
The news of Detroit filing for bankruptcy last week was so depressing. Sigh. It made me think of a photography project by Kevin Bauman called 100 Abandoned Houses that I'd come across a few years ago, I found my bookmark to the site and browsed the images again. They're fascinating and very moving, I think.
The Wednesday weekly movie list has only one title this week:
56 Up (2012), documentary
It was the latest in the Up series of documentaries that's been following a group of British children as they grow up, at 7 year intervals. The first Up documentary was in 1964 when the children were 7 years old, the latest installment showing the group now at 56 years old. I've seen the complete series, it's very good.
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