ToWi's Journal Top

By ToWi

more SoCal architecture

this is the Gaytonia, a 27 unit apartment complex.

Completed in 1930 by a local builder named George Thomas Gayton. Designed by Reginald Freemont Inwood, who also designed other nearby landmarks.

Oil was discovered in this area in the 1920's and soon after there was a building boom and this style, called "medieval revival fantasy", was popular and about a dozen large buildings in this style were built - more than half of which have since been demolished.

When first occupied it catered to naval officers and their families and offered maid and valet service as well as linens and dishes in each unit.

It's in fairly well kept original condition. There is a very large green neon sign on top that says "Gaytonia" (of course!). Often visitors are bewildered by that signage. I won't explain why.

It's a very nice element in this neighborhood. Since most people do not know what it is, most everyone refers to it as "that castle?". ha!

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