Bad Day at the Office

We had a rather stressful and alarming episode with Bruce tonight. We believe he suffered a "displaced soft pallete" and the choking sensation caused his body to respond as if suffering a seizure. The vet, yes we went to the vet immediately such was the worry, explained that as soon as the dog becomes unconscious the body relaxes and he can breathe normally again. The attack probably lasted 180 seconds and he wobbled back to his feet and he seemed fine by the time we put him in the car to go to the town.
He got a precautionary injection to reduce any swelling and this seems to have had the effect of giving him six double espressos as he now seems to be totally hyper and with too much energy this evening.

I don't know if Mrs Cakes will mention Bruce or not. I can understand fully if she can't bring herself to relive that horrible moments.

In other news it was an unusual day at the desk where I got most stuff on the list done. The default blip on such days is Caley doing his speed tests in the field behind the house.

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