Littlemouse Adventures

By LitlemouseLilly


Poor Magic she somehow managed to get out of her enclosure into the boys enclosure and well there is a bit of a size difference between a Netherlands dwarf and a French Lop, Wooster was not impressed.

Magic was rushed to the vets, where she was immediately taken through to theatre to be checked and keep her calm to minimise her stress. She was assessed immediately by a vet to check she was ok to leave for a few minutes, and then she had a more through check. Where it was concluded it looks worse than it is and glue and staples would be enough. I was an emotional wreck, I was so concerned about getting her to the vet that I hadn't even really looked at her face beyond knowing it needed putting back together, as soon as she was whipped through to theatre I started to cry.

She goes back in tomorrow. And we are referring to her cone as the cone of bravery - I will not let it be known as the cone of shame.

At the moment she is being kept in a nursing cage and her hutch mate Kirk is all alone (I think he is enjoying some wife free time, probably stretched out and doing all the things she tells him off for).

She is currently doing very well, eating, pooping and drinking - all the things you want to see in a rabbit, they are very prone to stress.

And as for Wooster he got a good check over and is fine. Jeeves is also fine. I know some people would be all grrrr at one pet attacking another, but they are bunnies they are territorial and these things happen, it's how you react and deal with them that counts. I love all my bunnies.

My only guess as to what happened is that Magic has been a bit of a floozy with the boys by the chatting wall and she must have somehow managed to climb over the divide, so we will re-check the defences and change them. I feel guilty that I wasn't out there and that maybe I could have prevented it from happening.

Poor little girl.

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