My life in pictures

By xmandosz

Back home =(

Bleh, I didn't sleep at all tonight... When the alarm went of at 5:15 I was really awake... We had an early breakfast at 5:50 and after the breakfast we were waiting outside on our bus that will take us to the airport. At the airport everything went really fast. When the airplane was taking off, I made this last picture of Mallorca. During the flight I was sleeping, I was so tired xD Back home, I don't like it at all... I had such a great holiday, on such a lovely and beautifull Island. To end the holiday well, we decided to gourmet. Luckly the wetter was good enough to sit outside. In the evening we watched the movie ' The Hypnosist' the same as I read the book of. But I have to say that the book is so much better than the movie... Now I'm going to sleep, I'm really tired.

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