
By MoezaremiA

First Time

So this is my first actual attempt with steel wool photography. I have kinda sorta not really done this before with photosoc, but I don't count that occasion because I had no idea what I was doing (I didn't even bring a tripod that time).

This was taken in a small tunnel under the train tracks near my house. And to give you some idea of how small this tunnel was.... I am about 5"10 (tall for a girl, about average for a guy) and I couldn't stand up straight in this tunnel... Next time, definitely get a bigger space.


Other notes from a girl who hasn't quite mastered the phrase "Think before you act":

1. A torch wouldn't go amiss. Ipod light just isn't bright enough.
2. Bring someone with you next time. It would make focusing the camera a hell ova lot easier.
3. If you insist on touching the metal whisk with your hands after every spin, at least wear gloves!
4. Yes it's been hot, but roll your hoodie sleeves down before you start spinning.
5. Don't bother buying 'coarse' steel wool rolls. It won't set alight.

Also... Apologies to the night time Borehamwood dog walkers who frequent this tunnel. I didn't mean to frighten you.

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