
By Incredibish

Reflected Autumn Copse

It would be lovely if there was a large still body of water, reflecting these gorgeous trees... ah, but no, it's all done by magic and Affinity Photo!

Another grey autumnal day, but give that we're a week into November it's not really anything other than mild for the time of year. It's easy to find reasons not to venture out, but we do anyway... this time across the not-too-muddy(yet) fields and along the Little Avon River.

By Saturday I hope to have completed removing the rest of the old kitchen units. Sunday is Remembrance, so I'll have no time then, and Monday comes with builders, plumbers and electricians, and only a week to go before the new units arrive... we are all going to be busy!

I'm currently rubbish at commenting on your photo's, relying on stars and hearts. Bear with me, and thank you for your own far better engagement.

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