Wheels on Fire
Euston, we have a problem. Not with the car, particularly, it's just sadly time for new tyres. Drives lovely now though. No, the problem is a messed up SD card which is causing me some problem getting recent phone photos out in to the world. I'm hoping I can sort it out.
In the afternoon, I went to a Joint Pain Care class at the gym. I hadn't noticed it on the timetable until last week. I actually booked it last week but no-one turned up to give the class which was annoying. It was 45 minutes of gentle circuits, barely worth the effort but I guess it was better than sitting in the house. I hot footed it from there to the dentist for a hygienist appointment, stopping off on the way home to collect a sneaky little vinted order (Well, three. Two Paul Smith coats and a pair of loafers.)
TV time in the evening. Portrait Artist Of The Year, so so good.
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