Kendall is here

By kendallishere


Last week a number of downtown Portland stores boarded up their windows in anticipation of post-election riots. Many thought Harris would win and Trump supporters, armed and dangerous, would riot. 

Now there's a kind of hush. Will the anti-fascists riot? We haven't yet, but the boards remain up. I haven't heard of any riots being planned, but there was a workshop for immigrants who need help getting their papers in order before January. There are "I love you" and "You're safe here" stickers on light posts. Social media is full of the phone numbers of mental health resources for Queer and Trans people. The word on the street is Solidarity.

Today there was a sweet little meditation for activists that I attended. Then I went to a downtown rally, only to realize I was in the wrong place on the wrong day, though I did have the right time. Maybe tomorrow I'll find a rally if Evan isn't coming for Baba-time.

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