Orla & Conor

By OrlaConor


I'm not sure if these were around or not when Orla was a baby, but either way she didn't have one. Conor absolutely adores his. Lots of things to pull and bash as well as a seat he can bounce up and down in. We managed to get it second-hand from a friend of my sister's; it's a total bargain.

Today turned out to be lovely weather-wise. At swimming this morning Orla put her head fully under the water three times. We had lunch outside. Conor tried carrot for the first time. Hilarious expressions. I let him have the spoon and he managed to get it in his mouth. I think he may even have sucked some of the carrot off! After lunch I took them round to the post office to post a birthday present then we walked up to the playground. Our route took us past my cousin's house and she was outside eating an ice cream. We stopped to chat and Orla scored an ice lolly from her. As we walked on up the path, Orla said she had never been on that path before. When I told her that she had, she said "I must have deleted it from my brain. Silly me." We also had a chat about her habit of asking people "do you know my name?". I explained that she should ask "do you want to know my name?". Later at the playground I heard her asking a little girl who she wanted to make friends with exactly that. We were alone when we arrived at the playground and Orla played with her invisible friend, Spanish Orla. Spanish Orla left though as soon as some real children turned up.

Ed started the mammoth task of shifting the bedrooms around today. Orla's room is the same but our bed is now back in the en suite room with Conor's cot up beside it. At last he has plenty of space to stretch out!

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