….. why did I attempt this??
Oh yes I’m quite capable of making a curry! But in better circumstances .. I imagine I can do things as before my health blip! Oh no I can’t. 1st I tried to get a dish from the cupboard ( thought just tad to high but I’ll cope) yes I coped ok one dish feel on the floor , glass everywhere & so was blood ( I’m on blood thinners) thank goodness for A who mopped the floor continually as I dropped blood from my foot . He swept & vacuumed everywhere , but glass splinters get everywhere hence me in stocking feet continued to bleed from the foot.
Second I found it difficult to cut the chicken , using scissors is hard when you’re very right handed & you can’t feel the fingers of the right hand. So instead of a quick job it became chore! The pepper & onions were easier . This quick job took all morning, & standing is really not the best for me.
Third job .. I have a machine load of washing in. All taking me ages. I’ve shed so many tears over the last few days. I feel so inadequate .
Yesterday my 2 Waitrose delivery drivers didn’t wipe their feet & carried mud from the door through to the kitchen leaving lumps of mud everywhere carpet & kitchen floor. My lovely cleaner had been the day before & everything was spotless?
So it’s not the best Fridays I’ve known. But as I always say tomorrow is another day.
Trusting it’s been a good A Friday for you all. .
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