I've never owned a fork or spade.
My dad had both and often worked
the earth with them while I played
close by. In the generous plot of land
behind our house he grew carrots,
cauliflowers, sprouts, potatoes, and
peas, until frozen ones 'just as
good' and 'far less work' became
available. And we had lettuce,
rhubarb, gooseberries, blackberries.
Mum bought the apples that went into
her apple and blackberry pies.
Maybe if dad had accepted
my offers of help ('I'm fine. Go enjoy
yourself ') I might have got interested.
Perhaps I counted on him saying
no. I preferred reading and writing
to most things, back then. And playing
guitar. Still do. The fork that
you see here clearly isn't mine. Nor is
the land. I just stopped by for a chat.
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