Blush response

By Esper

Getting Closer

On This Day In History
2019: Mercury makes a visible transit around the Sun

Quote Of The Day
"Today, Mercury is making a rare and beautiful transit across the Sun. It's something that will not happen again until 2032. Where will we be then? What will the Earth be like? Our lives are always subject to change, and it feels like the mercurial nature of our existence is only increasing."

Never mind 2032. What will the world be like after November 13th, 2024?
My man Luis Elizondo is one of the four whistleblowers who will speak at the Unidentified Anomalous Phenoma: Exposing The Truth joint subcommittee hearing.
Go Lou!
Michael Shellenberger is a pretty amazing guy, too. It was he who broke the news about Immaculate Constellation.
This is going to be awesome!

Meet Your Master

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