Fracture .....

..... update.

I managed to escape work for a couple of hours today to go for a check up at hospital on my broken metacarpal caused by the bike tumble a couple of weeks ago. My little finger has what the consultant described as a 'rotational abnormality', basically my little finger is currently pointing towards the middle of my palm when I make a fist. Hopefully this will resolve itself as the fracture heals ( the fracture is at the point on the bone where a tendon attaches ).

Anyhoo, I have to have two of my fingers on my left hand strapped together for another month until the bone fully heals, luckily it isn't too painful ( unlike the rib I fractured at the same time but didn't mention on the last blip :) ).

Not much else has happened today. I'm currently 6 days in to a work stint without a day off but will have a few days off next week so hopefully a few interesting blips then.

Thank you for the lovely response to last night's bit of nonsense, you're a lovely bunch. As my hand X-ray is the only photo I've taken, today's blip is a .....

..... Fracture update.

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