
By Beewriter

Saddle Sore

Day two of riding my bike and day two of feeling every curve of my saddle. I'm confident my gluteus maximus will be back in cycling mode by next week though. I rode to the Marriott and had a swim and I actually think I am improving at crawl.

I am in a reading mood at the moment and when I got home and had breakfast I sat and read....and read....and read. I felt I was stuck in a sitting position so I got my bike out again and went down to Worsley Village. My bike seemed to have a mind of its own as it made a little detour to the Secret Garden. As with easing the saddle soreness I haven't yet tamed the innate desires of the bike so I had to partake of a cuppa and a piece of cake whilst there...cycling can be a tough sometimes.

I took a few pics of the canal but I liked this one of the the monument on The Green...actually that should now be renamed The Brown as all the grass is scorched. The monument is the base of a chimney from the boat yards that were there when the Duke of Bridgewater built the canal. It was originally a fountain but it is dry now, which is a shame.

Pelly and I sat out in the garden to cool down when I arrived home. Now the bottle of wine in the fridge is calling me. I wonder if I should be worried about these voices that are calling to me lately...the dress, the tea shop and now the wine. They're coming to take me away ha ha.

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