
By tridral

200fed Pen-blwydd

200fed Pen-blwydd  ~ 200th Anniversary

“Now Light, where it exists, can exert an action, and, in certain circumstances, does exert one sufficient to cause changes in material bodies. Suppose, then, such an action could be exerted on the paper; and suppose the paper could be visibly changed by it. In that case surely some effect must result having a general resemblance to the cause which produced it: so that the variegated scene of light and shade might leave its image or impression behind, stronger or weaker on different parts of the paper according to the strength or weakness of the light which had acted there.”
― William Henry Fox Talbot, (Italy 1833. As recounted in ‘The Pencil of Nature’)

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Mae Eglwys Ararat ar y comin yn dathlu ei phen-blwydd yn 200 oed eleni. Trwy gyd-ddigwyddiad, dyfeisiwyd ffotograffiaeth hefyd tua 200 mlynedd yn ôl. Y gŵr o Ffrainc Joseph Nicéphore Niépce greodd y llun hynaf sydd wedi goroesi rhwng 1822 a 1827. ( Rydw i'n ddiolchgar iddo am ei dyfais. Rydw i'n meddwl y basai fe rhyfeddu at ffotograffiaeth heddiw.

Rydw i'n meddwl bod gormod o gamerâu gyda fi, ac mae rhaid i mi gofio cylchdroi trwyddyn nhw o dro i dro i ddefnyddio nhw, ac i weld os rydw i'n dal eisiau eu cadw. Heddiw roeddwn i'n defnyddio fy Fujifilm INSTAX camera i dynnu ffotograffau o'r Eglwys Ararat. Mae'r INSTAX yn gallu printio ffotograffau. Mae'n dipyn bach o hwyl ond mae'n fel tegan mewn cymhariaeth i fy nghamerâu arall. Felly rydw i wedi penderfynu ei rhoi, fel anrheg Nadolig, i rywun fy mod i'n credu bydd yn ei werthfawrogi yn fwy na fi.

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Ararat Church on the common is celebrating its 200th anniversary this year. Coincidentally, photography was also invented about 200 years ago. The Frenchman Joseph Nicéphore Niépce created the oldest surviving picture between 1822 and 1827. ( I am grateful to him for his invention. I think he would be amazed at photography today.

I think I have too many cameras, and I have to remember to cycle through them from time to time to use them, and to see if I still want to keep them. Today I was using my Fujifilm INSTAX camera to take photographs of the Ararat Church. The INSTAX can print photographs. It's a bit of fun but it's like a toy compared to my other cameras. So I have decided to give it, as a Christmas present, to someone who I believe will appreciate it more than me.

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Disgrifiad (Cymraeg): : Eglwys Ararat, Eglwys Newydd (Whitchurch), ffotograff wedi'i cymryd gyda chamera INSTAX

Description (English):  Ararat Church, Whitchurch, photograph taken with an INSTAX camera

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