Autumn woodlands
The morning was sunny and bright again, but colder. I do like these bright and crisp days. Xena and I had a good walk and I was taking so many photos of the autumn colours because they will soon be over.
I had some admin to do for our upcoming camera club committee meeting, and then I had to upload images for our next PDI competition. I haven't had time to do an editing of the lynx images yet but maybe tomorrow....
Now I must go get ready as tonight is the reception evening in London for the finalists of a photography competition held through the RAC Club Photography group, sponsored by Leica. Apparently there were over 800 entries and they selected twelve images for the shortlist, and I have two images that have been shortlisted. They will announce the winner tonight at the reception. Gavin asked me if I was nervous about it and I said absolutely not, being shortlisted was like winning to me. We will have supper at the club after the event and Luke is joining us (Meriel is away for work).
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