This blip doesn't reflect what I wanted to show but the shadows were going up & down like dancing lights, looking very pretty.
Today has been a good one for me, waking to light sunlight makes such a difference.
# I finished the double bedsheets changing
( started yesterday ) .
# Put the 1st load of washing in the
# General tidy of bedrooms & lounge
# removed 1st load of washing & hung it up ( sadly not outside I cant get to the line now )
# Put 2nd load into machine
Between these jobs I tried to read my book that until a few days ago I had no interest in
( interest in anything has eluded me for weeks, so pleased this has returned)
I then had a small lunch , during which time
the lady from the Life Team rang to arrange a visit in the afternoon. She made sure I could get in & out of the shower & altered the shower stool height, she then made sure I was satisfied with everything before discharging me from their books ( ofcourse I can be referred again if necessary)
When my daughter C rang during which time my late carer called to see me, so kind of her.she saw there was some washing up waiting to be put in dishwasher, but F just had to wash them up. Always finds something to do for me even though she has no need
at all.
Supper done with I'm going to catch up on some TV programmes.
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