Electric Blanket….
…..Nancy has decided that until Phase 2 of the house improvement project is implemented (and we all know what happens to the second phase of most projects), we need an electric blanket. I’ve been a fan of them all my life, but until now Nancy has insisted the bed is warm enough. I fully expect there to be smart e-blankets now, heat control through a cranial cap….or something. I'm off to look.
An excellent visit to the best garden centre in the world this morning to purchase loppers to help me address runaway growth in the back garden trees. Also persuaded Nancy to visit the cafe for coffee and cake, even although it was actually lunchtime. I’m so good at this negotiation lark.
An afternoon of lopping and digging followed, and even Sparky popped-out to dig a hole. Unfortunately, he dumped in it.
Later we’re venturing up to Embra for a works social thing with Nancy’s colleagues and partners. I’m driving so that I can control the exit.
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