These flowers are 2 weeks old, have been cut down & are still hanging on. A gave them to me , he always seems to manage to get long lasting flowers.
Just pottering today, A had a stroll but otherwise we’ve just enjoyed each others company. After we’d had a bit of lunch he left , about 2.30pm.
The Rev is coming later to take my beloved
stead to be sold! Sad but money that would have left the bank will remain there for a while longer !
The night is drawing in now, so I guess A wouldn’t be here, it’s too dark for her to do anything , though there’s so much left to do . .
So that’s my sort of boring day.
Trust all has been well for you fellow blippers’ !
Just had a phone call from The Rev says they're picking me up in an hour , we're going to the Indian Restaurant . What a lovely surprise . Thank you K & A
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