Capital adventures

By marchmont

Queen Molly

Sorry, another pic of #1 cat. It wasn't a day for taking photographs. It rained most od the day and at one point you couldn't see any of Arthur's Seat

I was back at work. I felt good in the morning and I look a lot better, although most of the right side of my face is now bruised. But I'd faded by evening. My eyes and head get sore using the VDU.

We interviewed today, new desks arrived and I spent an hour at the end of the day printing copies of the 35 applications we have for one 21 hour job. Shortlisting will be a challenge.

Sorted out money with #3 son, the fears from last week have not materialised. #2 son was sorting out his own stuff with British Gas and Virgin Media.

My head hurts. Tomorrow is a TOIL day. Another day of healing.

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