
By WeeDragon_J

Wee Fridge

Got a wee fridge for setting up in the livingroom. So table & fridge carried upstairs by John.

Hope it means I can have some cold snacks, yoghurts, fresh juice & some milk within easy reach rather than always going downstairs after surgery.

Says it’s suitable for bedrooms, offices, work / outhouses / hobby huts & campervans.

Not tested yet but hope it tides me over the first couple of weeks after the operation. May be used more after too or as emergency spare.

Sue took me to chemist for yet another prescription & to get some last minute bits & bobs for my toiletries bag.

Cuppa tea & cake & chat & company to walk round the Community Park.

Tried to cut my hair a bit this morning - go back to my warrior haircut with short back (so squinty - oops) short sides & long tail from rest of hair left, a bit rough & ready but I couldn’t be hassled with plaiting it. Not in good condition anyway with not being to hairdresser for ages & meds / illness affecting to.

Wee fridge made in Livingston by Subcold Ltd - 15 litre fridge - grey chequers

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