Skittles in the bay

HDR again of Cardiff bay and I'm still not convinced so I'll keep practicing :-) The Skittles is a joke, every time I post a shot like this Tim calls it a Skittles shot :-)

I had some bad luck last night, unpacking my camera gear my 24-105mm L lens fell out of my bag an landed rather hard on my Welsh stone floor, crap. I tried it last night and thought I'd got away with it, but when using it tonight it felt like it had 50p sides grrrr, so a call to the insurance company tomorrow to see where I stand on claiming, this will be the first time I've ever claimed for something I hope its a painless process.

And so the weekend is upon us again :-) 12 o'clock finish tomorrow which is nice, I hope the weather isn't to bad. It's Caerphilly's "Big Cheese" this weekend so I'll be calling in there at some point, it's usually fun.

Many thanks for all the lovely wonderful comments, favs and stars on yesterdays Sunbeam blip, I'm always stunned by the amount of feedback :-)

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