
By Croft16

..mellow mallow..'s good being semi-retired, all the time in the world to do whatever I want! Ha.

Popped down the post office to post my brothers birthday card, he's 64 on Sunday. I had to quote a few lines from the Beatles song!!..

Dropped the drinks off in the hall for the ceilidh tomorrow, and did a stocktake (and sorted out which were past their sell by date!).

A phone call from a hotel for veg, so harvested and delivered..

Trailer on, and stall loaded ready for Durness games tomorrow, a bite to eat, and down the hall for Camera club.. Just got back. Took this shot on the way down..

music, saw him play in Aylesbury a few years back, he was a bit older than this, but still had it..

Interesting fact: Had a thunderstorm yesterday, and recorded 4 mm in the rain gauges. At Kylestrome, 10 miles South, they had 78 mm in about 30 minutes, enough to wash out an electric cable from underground, and in KLB 15 miles North, the village hall was flooded as the water ran down a bank and couldn't get away quick enough..

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