One Last Lighthouse

I drove home from Green Bay this morning...leaving at 8:00 a.m., and arriving home at 8:10 p.m. It was about 520 miles. A long one day drive. I came real close to taking a car ferry across Lake Michigan...was, in fact, calling their number...then decided against it. It is a 4 hour cruise across the big lake, but I wouldn't have been home until almost midnight.

I took a 16 mile detour to visit this lighthouse. It is named Seul Choix Point Light. The translation in french means..."the only choice." So...I didn't have a choice...I had to stop.

It was started in 1892, and finished in 1895. The tower stands 79 feet high, and it's light is now an airport beacon that can be seen for 17 miles out to sea. A pretty place...and, no...I didn't climb the tower. Too many miles to travel.

Flickr is down, so I couldn't post any other shots. Maybe on the morrow.

It was tough leaving my son in Green Bay.

When I was much younger, and even more foolish...I thought that when you invested 20-25 years into your kids...then you just let 'em go...let them fend for themselves. HA!

What you find out is...parenting never stops. The love, concern, and the worry never stop, either. I call my grandson Merrick...Buddy-boy now, but my son was the original Buddy-boy. And...there I left baby. No matter how old they get...he's still my baby. He is leaving on Saturday or Sunday for his first week-long truck trip. nightly prayer will be..."And keep Jeff safe...wherever he may be."

"Goodnight Buddy-boy. Sleep tight. 6 a.m. comes pretty early. Make sure you set your 4 alarms. us whenever you feel like it...for any reason." (Sniff...sniff.)

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