Some Days

Today I've taken photos of (1) bees on our lavender, (2) public art at a branch of our credit union, (3) yellow jackets (UK wasps) unwisely building a nest on the underside of one of our garden hoses, (4) backlit blossoms in our hanging basket, (5) miscellaneous blossoms in our back yard, and (6) the swelling apples on our two small trees.

In the end, it was this shot of the low sun streaming through the gate from our front garden to the back garden, enhanced by Dramatic Tone (as Phil did on his) today, that made the cut. (I may have been subconsciously influenced by his beautiful photo on Wednesday, too.)

Two longish errands and all those photos I took filled the day nicely -- sweeping the kitchen floor and sorting out myriad things in the house can wait until tomorrow, or the day after tomorrow...

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