Birthday flowers
Winter has certainly arrived, with minus temperatures overnight and 2C as we went to church this morning. Definitely need some heating on today!
After our normal church service today we had a presentation on the changes that are set to be made. We have not had a minister for 2 years now, and it is proposed that 3 churches in EK join together (in our church building); this is proving controversial with one of the churches wishing to maintain their own church, but not having the funds to support this. There will soon be a meeting to try to finally come to some kind of conclusion. Meanwhile, two of the churches (ours included) have been going ahead and merging very successfully, so perhaps it will conclude successfully in the end. This is probably not of a wide interest, but I want to record it for my diary.
An afternoon of soup making, and a bit of cooking for the freezer, and a bit of book reading. And cali coming to dinner. A pleasant day.
We are enjoying my birthday flowers!
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