As Told By Ginger

By 9to12

Imagine Dragons

I was going to blip a terrible and blurry picture from the Imagine Dragons concert last night, but I just love my team all too much.

I hosted a team run this morning. Everyone pictured here (plus Nikki, Nicolette, and Jenn) ran hills at Cedar Creek together. We met at my house, stretched, and then ran about 2 miles to the park. When we got there, we all kinda did our own thing with the hill loops, but we all ran back together. We stretched and did core together and it was awesome. I love my team so much.

I drove John, Brent, and Jake home after our 7.5 mile run as a team. I also ran 4 more miles after I dropped them off because I had a double run and didn't feel like doing it later.

Grand total for the day: 11.5 miles.

Around 6:30 I went to pick up Dominguez, Lyric, and Jaclyn to go to the Imagination Dragons concert at Jones Beach. It was awesome, even though we got kicked out of our seats (that really weren't our seats) halfway through and had to find somewhere else to stand.

Jaclyn and I went to the diner afterwards with Isabella, Jake, Kaitlin, Belinda, and Sara. It was a late night.

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