
By PlanW

That's Not My Name

Well, goodbye then Virgin Media.  

I was advised a few weeks back by my email host that my email account would be withdrawn as I do not take any other VM services.  

Ring Ring, VM, how can I help?
By not cutting off my email.
Sorry, can't do that. You don't buy any services.
What about my broadband, landline and v expensive telly? 
Not in your name.
Because you can only have an account in one name.
Yeah, not in your name.
But the bank account that pays for those services is in my name. 
Can I escalate to someone who has the authority to look at this?
No.  Goodbye. 

The process of changing my email address on many, so very many, accounts, subscriptions, apps etc has taken weeks.  Thank god I have a book of all my passwords (Security 1.01 fail) because I wouldn't have remembered half the things I needed to change.  What a slog.  

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