
Early swim, a big 'un. Verdict - solid, if unremarkable. It's out of the way at least, done and dusted.

Music coming up. In a joining the dots fashion I had some music on the ipod on the way home that made me think of summat else which in turn made me think of another thing which led all the way back to the original that the middle part of my thought process was a kind of pastiche of anyway and it ended up being a real tom-ato, to-mato, pot-ato, po-tato, let's call the whole thing off type affair.

And, at the heart of it was this famous intro -

Daddy, what does regret mean?
Well son, the funny thing about regret is,
It's better to regret something you have done,
Than to regret something you haven't done.
And by the way, if you see your mom this weekend,
Be sure and tell her ...

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