
22.2C and mostly sunny with a light breeze. Forecast showers haven't appeared (yet).

Maeve the Deerhound and I went for our walk before lunch as there were showers forecast for the afternoon. As we walked down the bridle path we could see the haar, which was obscuring our view of the sea, rolling across the bottom of the fields.

Just 200 yards back from the shore the air was clear, but down on the beach it was rather misty. The tide was well out. All the boats were lying on the wet sand. As we walked along the sand towards the Fishermen's huts the haar was beginning to clear. I picked this shot for today because it shows the haar clearing from the beach, not for any aesthetic or photographic value. You can just see the red tractor parked on the sand by the creel rack :-)

After lunch I went round the garden and got a small harvest of courgettes (from the pots) and Dwarf French Beans. When harvesting beans from the small bed near our beech hedge I noticed there were some new rhubarb stalks so I pulled them. Then I saw the very untidy strawberry patch had a berry or two. On exploring amongst the leaves I found lots of berries, so I got a nice harvest of fresh strawberries.

Since I had had such success I emptied one of the pots with 2nd early potatoes to see how they were doing. Small harvest. Enough for one meal. I have three more small pots and two big ones, so we should get a decent crop of early summer new potatoes.

There is even a ripe tomato on one of the bush plants, and there are peppers forming on the three sweet pepper plants in the greenhouse. It is all coming along rather well this year :-)

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