
By Wildwood


This little dandelion seed head has somehow survived the freezing cold, rain and wind and it IS complicated when one looks at it from the top, huddled in the leaves and protected by a bramble hedge at Spring Lake. 

Complicated is a pretty good description of my day as well. A search first thing in the morning for the cancellation letter from the insurance company was unsuccessful, but it did reveal the state of total disarray on the top of John's desk. I spent the whole of our Pilates class on the floor below the desk figuring out how best to tackle it together. 

It was complicated. I was set on getting rid of 90% of the papers of random telephone numbers, checks needing to be deposited, mementoes, photographs of unknown people, bills needing paid and bills paid long ago. Piles of those 'NOT A BILL' things that come from the medical insurance company were dispatched to the wastebasket. John couldn't find the checkbook and spent an hour looking for it only to find it hours  and several phone calls later in the drawer in which it belongs. The drawer which I cleared out just a few days ago. Perhaps he's one of those people who functions better with piles of stuff all over the place, but I am not one of them. The whole time we were trying to do this, Spike barked at us or as it turns out, the blue dog I put on the back of my worktable after he ate the face off of it. It has now also been consigned to the trash.

Everything has now been reduced to a few things on a three tiered 'in basket' and a pile of things to be filed. I don't think most of those things need to be filed either, but that will have to wait until my headache goes away

We never found the letter from the insurance company.

It's been a cold, gloomy day but the rain has not yet begun. Flooding is predicted, but certain places always flood whenever there is a serious rainstorm.

Maybe tomorrow I will be able to get back to my jacket project, although next week is Thanksgiving...yikes!

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