You've got a friend

Last day at the wigwam farm. Another beautiful one! We packed up our things into the cars this morning but before we left, we walked en masse to the duck pond across the field. The kids were all very tired but they enjoyed having a picnic next to the pond, and we polished off all our combined left over food. The little ones have really loved being together. It's nice that they've known each other their whole lives and I'd like to think they will be there for each other as they grow up and into adulthood too. The mummies made plans today to get us all together more often and regularly as these times are so special. It gives us a chance for a proper catch up with each other as women as well as mothers. Those times are rare and precious.
This afternoon when we got home and it was great to see Hubby again. Arwen in particular was very excited. She's such a daddy's girl.
207/365 completed!

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