The cold spell continues, and this is what I think of it -
I just don’t like this time of year, it makes me feel so ill -
The sun has upped and gone away, the air is deadly chill.
The weather forecast’s doom and gloom, the pavements shiny white,
Cold draughts swirl round the living room, the foxes bark at night.
Yet through all this the robin sings its cheerful little song,
Reminding me that this will pass and days will soon be long.
In daffodils and crocuses bright colours will be seen,
The sun will shine to light the sky, the new leaves will be green.
And best of all, the bluebell woods a burst of joy will bring,
Alive with buzzing bumblebees to welcome back the spring.
So rubbish day, rubbish photo, and rubbish poem.
At least I have an Eccles cake to cheer me up.
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