
By RavensRoost

Autumn Sunset

Autumn Sunset

Why compare thee to a summer’s day,
when an autumn's sunset is more fitting?
When her tender warmth brightens the grey
clouds that are too comfortable with settling?

When she is rich skies kissing cold waters gold,
a moment under her is worth the coming winter.
If autumn has a price, consider me sold,
because I offer my complete devotion to her.

Like a sunflower, I will look up in awe,
and attempt to caress her like Icarus.
I’d gracefully accept the fall,
if only to gaze once upon her radiance.

When I awaken frigid and lonely,
I will be soothed by the autumn morning.

- Nicola Berry

After days of rain, this dry day concluded with a beautiful sunset. 

Thank you for your kind comments, stars, hearts, and welcome back.  

I've set a goal of publishing one photo a week. The pleasure of the Blip community, photos, and commentary offer friendship, support, and solace from the kakistocracy. 

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