Sunset Poppies

A restless day. The heat made me sleepy but when it's 'just' afternoon I don't easily give up and nap. Gave it a shot and got up 20 minutes later. The sun didn't really wax enthusiastic till about 17.00 or thereabouts, which was too late to go anywhere further than 25 km., or so I thought. After dinner, though, got some energy back and drove to Zeeland. Was actually on my way to the Storm Surge Barrier when I spotten this field conveniently behind one of the emergency lay-bys. The sky was half grey half lavender, which isn't easy because of course the cam cannot choose. Well, neither could I. Did my best, though, and hope it works visually.

Right now it is very humid. Schoolyear weather. And I still have 2 weeks to go, maybe even 3.

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