Too early?
This is the first house locally to have its decorations up, and I would have said they're just over a week early, but I read the following by Donna Ashworth and I really see her point, so I am a lot more benevolent about it now. I was a bit grumpy to hear the first Christmas song on the radio today, though!
Those ‘early Christmas decorators’, are doing something clever you know.
They are bringing in more light.
They are seizing the moment, the day, the feeling, and multiplying it.
They are ‘being kind to themselves’, as we so often say one should.
Those early Christmas decorators are not deserving of your anger or your irritation, for they are literally looking after their mental health,
by giving themselves permission to be happy, early.
Remember that this season is not about money, gifts or ‘rules’, it is about goodwill.
So let us all apply that with ‘each to their own’ and ‘whatever makes you happy’ as our mantras.
Life is hard and for many, it has been even tougher than usual.
Let them bring in more light.
Let them cover their world in twinkly joy and wrap themselves up in the festivities.
Instead of berating their eagerness, pat them on the back.
They are doing what we all should,
they are living in the moment.
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