
By KathyH58

Christmas light show

I know that it is early for Christmas lights, but I purchased a ticket before I knew I was going to be moving. Plus I thought we would be finished all of the fall cleanups by now. I took the afternoon off and joined others with the travel social group and went to the Glow Halifax show. I think there was 14 of us there, but 4 of them got separated from the rest of us, and I'm not sure where they went. After walking thru the light show 10 of us went for Chinese food.
Everything is moved. I have cleaners booked to go in and clean on Thursday. I have to stop at the old place on Wednesday morning, Big Brothers/Big Sisters will come and pick up things that I plan to donate to them. I have to hope it is not raining that day, since they won't give an exact time for pickup, so I have to sit everything in front of the garage.

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